
Medical Office Assisting, Indiana Business College
B.S.W., Indiana University (in process)

Cissy DuValle started her IUPUI career in July 2003 at the IU School of Nursing, Division of Family Health. In September 2004, she transferred to Counseling and Psychological Services as the senior administrative secretary. In 2012, as the staff grew from three full-time staff members to more than 10 and client demand increased, CAPS moved to Walker Plaza and DuValle became the senior clinic coordinator. She currently is responsible for supervising the front desk staff, providing customer service to clients and the campus community, and manages all back-office operations such as payroll, purchasing, billing, travel, scheduling, and human resources duties. DuValle has been trained in QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer), CPR, and is a member of JagsCARE.