Get to Know: Brittany Snyder, assistant director of outreach and community services


As the assistant director of outreach and community services for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Brittany Snyder spends her work days developing programming to connect with IUPUI students and staff about important mental health topics. 

Throughout her career at IUPUI, she has spent time resource tabling, hosting events for awareness and prevention pertaining to mental health, co-advising CAPS’ Peer Prevention Education Program, facilitating Mental Health First Aid on campus and coordinating JagsCARE. 

What are the top three things on your bucket list?

The top three things on my bucket list for work are to improve prevention and awareness programming surrounding mental health, develop a network of faculty/staff and students who are empowered to be active parts of a culture of care and develop strong partnerships with campus and community partners.

The top three things on my fun bucket list are to explore the world with my children, swim with dolphins and visit Disney World Japan!

What is your favorite quote? 

My favorite quote is "No mud, no lotus" by Thich Nhat Hanh.

There's a zombie apocalypse — choose two or three coworkers to be part of your team. 

I would choose my coworkers; Vivianne because she gets the job done, Petra because she gets us through the hard stuff and David because he brings light-hearted fun!